Nigerian Culture
Nigeria's rich and varied cultural heritage draw’s from the mixture of its different ethnic groups with Arabic and western European cultural influences. Secret societies, such as Ekpo and Ekpe among the peoples of the southeast, were formerly used as a device of government.
Nigeria is one of the well-known countries for its famous painting’s and cultural pots. They describe ancestral paintings of animals, people and plants. They have a variety of colors from beige/tan to chocolate brown. Each color represents a different part in the environment. Some even paint with chalky mud found in the rich soil and river beds.
Music and dance are important to Nigerian culture
and each ethnic group has its own specialties. Regular instruments include various types of flutes, trumpets, musical bows, xylophones, and wooden clappers, as well as many varieties of drums. Music is used to celebrate rulers and to accompany public assemblies, weddings and funerals, festivals, and storytelling. Dance also has many varieties: it has Ishan stilt dancers in colorful costumes while they twist themselves in the air; while one Tiv dance, called ajo, features male dancers who work in pairs, and another involves teams of women who perform a dance called icough by composing songs about current events.
I love how Nigeria is so connected to its outdoor surrounding’s. I love the outdoors and I really wish that suburban areas, like Kansas and Missouri could be just as conservative of their environment.